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Whether you are measuring, sawing, drilling, routing, sanding, or finishing, working wood is an art, requiring skills learned over a lifetime. Woodworking skills are acquired from our successes as well as our failures, kind of like life itself. Thanks for visiting and feel free to comment or ask questions.

Router Table Extension

Why do most table saws have an extensions on them but you very seldom see an extension of a router table or shaper cutter? A small table top on a router table makes it very difficult to manage a larger or longer workpiece often making it unsafe as well. Router table tops need to be large enough to support your work. This is the same reason extensions are added to table saws. If you are building your own router table, don’t settle for the normal sized table. Add an extension similar to the router table in the picture or design your own. It’s much more important to have the additional surface space on the in-feed side of the table than the out-feed side. For better utilization of the extra table top space, an additional router plate was installed in this table. If you have a certain round over bit that you constantly use and an extra router available, it is very quick and easy to mount it to the extra plate and drop it in the extension part when you need it. Having an extra blank plate to fill in the hole when the router is not needed will keep you form having to adjust the extra router up and down as well.

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Hi! I’m David but my daughter-in-law calls me Pappy. I learned woodworking as a teenager in a woodshop on the farm of my best friend.

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