Let's Work Wood!

LETS WORK WOOD!      What's Here for Me?

Whether you are measuring, sawing, drilling, routing, sanding, or finishing, working wood is an art, requiring skills learned over a lifetime. Woodworking skills are acquired from our successes as well as our failures, kind of like life itself. Thanks for visiting and feel free to comment or ask questions.

Wood Butter

Wood Butter? What? You’ve heard of regular butter, peanut butter, almond butter, apple butter, but wood butter? Sounds tasty, eh? Well, you probably don’t want to eat this stuff. Have you ever eaten dutch oven mutton? Actually , it is one of my favorite meats but it has to be almost burned to a crisp. It’s pretty tasty but you need one of those rubber spatulas your wife uses in the kitchen to scrap the grease off the top of your mouth. Hey, I didn’t say it was healthy, just good! I’m sure wood butter wouldn’t be as tasty and you would definitely have to use the spatula after eating it. All kidding aside, wood butter is used to keep those wooden spoons and bowls in your kitchen treated so they sparkle and shine and don’t dry up and crack. I’m sure some of you have built a cutting board and used mineral oil on it. Well, wood butter is an even better treatment. My daughter brought the recipe to my attention and pinned it on Pinterest. Click here for the recipe! This is a great treatment for woodworkers who want to put a shine and preservative on those turned bowls, cutting boards, or other woodworking projects. Please note: Housewives, I assume no liability for your husbands making and bottling this in your fruit jars in your kitchen. You might want to help him out.

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Hi! I’m David but my daughter-in-law calls me Pappy. I learned woodworking as a teenager in a woodshop on the farm of my best friend.

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